Advanced mobility & the digital transformation in the warehouse

Advanced mobility & the digital transformation in the warehouse
Eighty percent of the 30 million warehouse workers worldwide are still using pen and paper in a physically-intensive environment that increasingly demands accuracy and real time feedback. Let’s face it – this isn’t good news from an efficiency perspective. Distribution centers large and small are missing out on increased productivity and visibility into their supply chains that can have real monetary value. We took an in-depth look into this in a new whitepaper, “Digital Transformation in the Warehouse: Advanced Mobility Report.” You can download the full report for free here. Some of the key highlights include:
The Impact of Advanced Mobility in the Warehouse
There is enormous opportunity for mobile technology to streamline warehouse operations that can ultimately simplify the jobs of pickers, packers, yard jockey and managers and improve the customer experience. By transitioning to advanced mobile devices, deploying next-generation software, and training workers, companies can set themselves up for success to reduce costs and heighten productivity and create a more efficient workflow impacting an organization’s bottom line.
Key Criteria for Mobile Devices for Warehouse Applications
When it comes to investing in mobile technology, a 2013 VDC study suggested that warehouse leaders rank quality and reliability as the top selection criteria for mobile devices used in the warehouse. Warehouse decision-makers also place a premium on device durability given its connection to core operations and uptime. Rugged devices that are built to withstand demanding environments and the drops, falls, and spills that sometimes accompany them, help maintain productivity while keeping repair-and-replace costs down.
Look for Solutions, Not Just Hardware
Most organizations’ IT departments are not equipped to handle a large-scale deployment of mobile devices nor have the expertise and time to piece together parts from many vendors. The ability to purchase a solution versus just a device greatly reduces the complexity the IT staff faces, allowing them to keep their focus on strategically supporting their business.
To better understand the benefits of mobility in a warehouse environment, download the whitepaper.
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