Connected Intersection Manager

Designed to solve the many existing limitations of both bare metal connected vehicle (CV) and legacy signal priority systems, Connected Intersection Manager gives users full oversight of any signalized connected vehicle environment and everything connected to that environment. At the core of a connected intersection deployment is of course the roadside unit. That RSU connects to a range of devices from a network switch to the traffic signal controller’s CV processor and other support devices along the way and serves to tie all signal components together into a useable CV system. Connected Intersection Manager helps to make sure that this entire chain of CV devices are operational.
Traffic Signal Preemption and Priority Services
The CV ecosystem delivers next-gen priority and preemption capabilities to equipped traffic signals. Expanding on decades of operational learnings, V2X based signal priority solves many of the existing challenges with legacy deployments. New features include advanced business logic, dramatically improved measurement, greater system security, modern cloud hosting, multi-use case hardware, and many more improvements. The Cirrus platform supports V2X-based priority systems across our feature set.
Hardware Monitoring
Through advanced hardware monitoring of each device, Cirrus can provide “at a glance” visibility into any single device or the entirety of the intersection network. We monitor hardware for attributes like message broadcast and forwarding statistics, packet loss rate, CPU/memory load, disk space, temperature, communication protocol functionality, radio status, configuration changes, firmware status, network connectivity and more.
Downtime, changes to configuration, and other potential errors are logged, and alerts generated to notify appropriate staff of issues. Device history shows how long, or how often, a device is experiencing issues and remote restart capabilities help you diagnose or repair many problems without a costly bucket truck rollout. This logged data can later be analyzed to provide advanced notice of future device outages, further reducing actual network downtime.
Alerts can be sent to the platform user interface, enrolled user emails, or even as approved text messages. See your whole system at a glance, drill down on affected units, and resolve issues quickly. Through the convenient map-based interface, it’s easy to tell where a potential problem might sit. For example, if a whole roadway segment has all its devices down, it’s likely to be a network-level outage event.
Connected Intersection Visualization
With your deployed hardware carefully monitored for uptime and functionality, Connected Intersection Manager provides effective visualizations of the connected vehicle environment. This visualization capability takes your CV environment to the next level by ingesting and displaying details from the CV messages in real time.
MAP message information is parsed and displayed as lane segments in the map-based user interface, allowing users to see where the connected vehicle start and end points are for all sides of an intersection.
SPaT messages provide valuable signal timing information in near real time, overlaying MAP message data with the active intersection phase and related movements directly onto the map view.
Vehicle BSMs are displayed as connected vehicles interact with the signal, showing how vehicles are responding to both SPaT and MAP data and other factors of their local environment. Data analysis of this data can provide advanced notice of errors in MAP messages as well as opportunities for scaling the usefulness of vehicles as roadway probes.
Signal Request (SRM) and Signal Status messages (SSM) show how first responders, fleets and other authorized vehicles are requesting special access at the traffic signal and the results of those requests (granted or not granted) along with providing the data necessary for advanced signal priority efficacy analytics and reporting.
Efficacy Analytics
Analytics tools help you validate initial deployments, fully test your connected vehicle environment, and monitor systems for efficacy over time. Supported by our Data Science and Analytics team, Connected Intersection Manager collects data about both the hardware and the CV experience at each enabled traffic signal, reporting to operators on setup, real-time function and reliability, and helps to quantify the various benefits your investment is making for roadway users, such as reduced travel time, fuel savings, and improved schedule reliability.
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