Industrial Automation Solutions

Streamlining operations with automation
With the right technology, manufacturers can automate processes and gain intelligence to improve operational efficiency. Our advanced components and expertise in integrated supply chain solutions are helping to build the factories of the future.
Learn more about Panasonic’s industrial automation solutions
In today’s fast-paced and tech-driven world, manufacturers across the spectrum – from automotive and semiconductors to packaging and biomedical equipment – are increasingly relying on disruptive technologies to accelerate their businesses. Leaders in these sectors are particularly interested in industrial automation solutions, including robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles and data science technology.
Manufacturers are also recognizing the value of a strategic supplier relationship for supply chain optimization. By choosing the right technology partner, businesses can stay ahead of the curve with integrated solutions customized to their needs.
Panasonic’s wide portfolio of cutting-edge components, along with decades of expertise in designing and implementing industrial automation solutions, have earned us a reputation for quality and reliability within the manufacturing sector. Our solutions empower our partners to better serve their customers through automation and personalization.
Innovative components for supply chain success
The global smart sensor market, combined with the Internet of Things (IoT), is expanding rapidly – and this presents opportunities for manufacturers who capitalize on these technologies. Early adopters across the industry are already realizing the benefits of streamlined operations through automation.
But which technologies are giving manufacturers the most for their money? And how are they applying these technologies to improve efficiency across the supply chain?
To learn the answers to these questions and more, download our free engineer’s guide to innovation in sensors and other advanced components.
The building blocks of industrial automation
Our cutting-edge components and advanced manufacturing tech are helping to power the factories of the future. Here’s a look at how our technology is streamlining operations and increasing efficiency across the supply chain.