Total Cost of Ownership

A lower cost of getting the job done
By reducing downtime and repair costs, a TOUGHBOOK pays for itself.
It pays off to choose Panasonic TOUGHBOOK devices.

TOUGHBOOK rugged devices are 72% more reliable than other rugged devices, based on a comparison of device failure rates.*

74 mins is the average productivity time lost by a frontline mobile worker per device failure.** Fortunately, TOUGHBOOK devices have a low failure rate, resulting in more uptime and savings.

Consumer-grade devices are 28% more likely to experience connectivity issues than rugged devices.** TOUGHBOOK devices deliver exceptional connectivity and reach, providing workers access to the data and apps they need wherever they are.
* Compares Panasonic actual data for TOUGHBOOK computers to data gathered by IDC on consumer and rugged laptops, tablets, and handheld devices and reported in The Case for Deploying Rugged Devices in Your Organization. IDC (November 2021).
** Enterprise Mobility Total Cost of Ownership. VDC Research (2021)