Warehouse Voice Picking Technology

Picking the Right Items Every Time
Order picking is a significant warehouse operating cost with direct impact on customer satisfaction. Our Voice Picking solution can increase the speed and accuracy of your order fulfillment processes, getting the right orders to your customers faster and at lower costs. It’s another smart answer to one of your toughest problems.
Smart Warehouse Voice Pick Technology
Every new order is another chance to enhance customer satisfaction, cement loyalty, and grow your business. In the journey from manufacturer to customer, picking is a critical-but labor intensive-step. Enter warehouse voice pick technology, the new standard for worker productivity and operational efficiency. With voice picking, workers can begin using the system with limited training so new employees get up to speed quickly. And with manual data input eliminated, you can see up to 25% productivity gains and up to 99.9% order accuracy.
What is Voice Picking in a Warehouse?
With voice picking, workers use headsets and microphones with a speech recognition system and a Warehouse Management System (WMS) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. The WMS or ERP points employees to the pick items required via the headset. Once picks are made, workers send voice confirmation back to the system.
Voice Picking with Panasonic TOUGHBOOK
Our Voice Picking solution is a service built on Panasonic’s Rapid Application Development platform. It combines the TOUGHBOOK N1 rugged handheld computer, a Bluetooth headset and a customizable software template to create a cost-effective voice picking system that is easy to use and easy to integrate with your corporate systems. The software template is already built to meet 80% of your picking needs with the remaining 20% tailored to your specific warehouse or distribution center specs.
Real Results with Our Voice Picking Systems

Voice Picking Solution Brochure
Download the brochure to learn how our Voice Picking solution can streamline your warehouse operations.